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Successful warehousing in broadcasting co

Warehousing and its process

Warehousing refers to the process of delivering and unloading goods, storing and arranging goods, sending goods to the customer with minimum cost and minimum time.
Storage process in broadcasting companies is one of the important and significant issues.
Successful broadcasting companies follow the principles of warehousing correctly. Capillary distribution of food requires a careful storage system. This article has been prepared and written for the better knowledge of sales managers and warehouse supervisors in broadcasting companies. Warehouse and the process related to warehousing is one of the important pillars in broadcasting companies. On the one hand, by maintaining and maintaining the products from the time of purchase or production to the time of delivery and sale in the distribution cycle, and on the other hand, by controlling the amount of inventory, it plays a role in reducing the cost of goods.

  • The role of storage in capillary distribution and diffusion

Distribution companies operate in retail channels, wholesale, special centers, pavilions and squares, horkas, chain stores, etc. In capillary distribution companies, which are mainly focused on the retail channel, the importance of warehouse in distribution And capillary distribution is of great importance in complete and timely delivery to customers.
In this channel, both the goods are sold in smaller quantities and have more variety, the correct planning to complete the basket of goods depends a lot on the good coordination between the warehouse unit and the procurement unit, and also the delivery of the goods with the right date requires It has a good coordination with the sales unit. The better the warehouse is planned, the higher the level of satisfaction with the type of service in the retail channel.The importance of having a warehouse is so important that without serious investment in this field, the main mission of quick and easy access to customers in the food distribution company cannot be achieved.

The importance of storage in the broadcasting company

*Use of volume purchases when offering product discounts and stocking goods
*Avoiding costs of shortages and lack of stock in the warehouse at the time of the customer's order
*Reducing the risk of not providing the goods on time for the customer
*Increasing maneuverability during distribution and timely delivery of goods to the customer
*Increasing flexibility in production and sales planning when changes are made in the production plan

Warehouse management in the broadcasting company

Warehousing management includes:
It is planning, controlling and monitoring the activities of receiving, storing and sending goods, so that the amount of inventory is economical and the way of arrangement is done according to the standard of the broadcasting industry and the amount of waste caused by storage is minimized. The importance of having a warehouse is so important that without serious investment of skills and expertise in this field, the main mission of quick and easy access to customers in the broadcasting company cannot be achieved

Organizational position of warehousing in broadcasting company

According to the type, size and structure of the broadcasting company, the warehouse can be under the planning unit, logistics and transportation unit, sales unit and commercial unit of the company. In broadcast offices, the storekeeper is a sub-category of the sales manager, and in the distribution branches, the storekeeper is a sub-category of the procurement and purchasing unit, which, of course, depends on the policies of the broadcasting company. The importance and responsibility of warehousing depends on the type of distribution industry, for example, the important responsibility of a warehouse keeper in a pharmaceutical distribution company is to maintain and maintain the basic quality of medicine. In the detergent distribution company, the important responsibility of the storekeeper is the speed of action in carrying out loading and correct arrangement in the transport fleet. In the dairy distribution company, the warehouseman is responsible for maintaining and sending the products with the appropriate date of the products

*The relationship between warehousing and the profit of the broadcasting company:
Profit in the broadcasting company can be obtained in two ways:
1-Profit from buying goods 2- Profit from selling goods
Warehousing and warehouse management system can be very effective in the first case, by doing the following things, you can maintain and secure the profit of the broadcasting company:
_ Optimal and economic control of the volume of product purchases
_ Observing and controlling and maintaining the quality of products
_ Prevent product loss due to improper arrangement
_Preventing theft of goods and theft or wrong delivery in the number and type of goods
_ Proper recording of receipts according to the imported price of the product and compliance with the basic principles of FIFO or LIFO in the warehouse.

To control and monitor the cost price of purchased goods, some of the most important tasks related to warehousing are as follows:

1.Information about the price of goods purchased and entered into the warehouse
2.Monitoring the correct return of goods in the warehouse
3.Monitoring and accurate recording of the total price of purchased goods
4.Controlling and recording and recording invoices for purchasing goods and calculating discounts and discounts at the time of purchase and sale
5.Control and monitoring of stock and deficit with periodic stock management
6.Strict control of documents at the time of issuance, receipt and remittance to the warehouse at the time of goods arrival and departure
7.Controlling the amount of stock in the warehouse and monitoring the optimal amount of goods and the value of the stock
8.Control over warehouse documents in terms of deficit and excess, wrong delivery and theft from the warehouse
9.Supervision of property, inventory, building and warehouse equipment insurance.

What factors are effective in warehousing management in the broadcasting company?

1.The number, type and size of warehouses
2.Location, size and distribution of warehouses
3.Various types and amounts of warehouse inventory
4.Facilities, equipment and machinery
5.Instructions in stock and have soft
6.Integrated software in the broadcasting company
7.The skills and knowledge of the warehouse staff regarding warehousing processes
8.Having a documented program on how to control and monitor the performance of important storage indicators
9.The amount of effective communication with other units, especially finance and sales and supply of goods
10.Loading and unloading methods and having a dock and cross-docking (integrated accumulation system)
11.Compliance with health standards and legal requirements in the warehouse and having executive responsibility.

Important warehousing duties in a distribution company

  • Management of reducing the cost of keeping inventory and keeping goods
  • Proper maintenance and storage of goods in the warehouse in terms of correct receipt, correct arrangement and reduction of theft and unexpected incidents
  • Providing effective services to facilitate the loading and shipment of goods on time
  • Employing skilled human resources in the warehouse and speeding up the current affairs in the warehouse
  • Applying warehousing standards to reduce the cost of goods
  • Providing the necessary equipment for the transportation of goods with the aim of speeding up unloading and loading
  • Timely control of inventories in order to supply goods on time and prevent damage caused by lack of supply or increase in the amount of inventories
  • Controlling the correct counting of stocks and periodic stock management to reduce the deficit and warehouse overhead and reduce the rate of mistakes
  • Maintaining product quality by controlling temperature and product arrangement and storage requirements
  • Reviewing reports and measuring the performance of warehouse employees in terms of financial and warehousing indicators
  • Checking and controlling the received fleets and shipments in terms of compliance with the standard principles of receiving and sending goods in order to prevent the delivery and sending of defective or low-quality goods

Source: Anbaronline site
